This code will read in a WRF file, process some of the data, and make a couple plots.
If you find this code helpful and/or find a bug please let me know!
Ben Trabing
Colorado State University
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def wrf_pres(P,PB):
return (P+PB) #in Pa
def wrf_height(PH,PHB):
return (PH+PHB)/9.81
def wrf_theta(PTEMP):
return (PTEMP+300.)
def wrf_temp(THETA,PRES):
return (THETA)*(PRES/1000.)**(.2854) # in hPa
def wrf_rh(TEMP,PRES,MXRAT):
A= 6.11*100. #Pa
Rv = 461.495 #J/kg/K
Lv = 2.453*10**6 #J/Kg
ES = A*np.exp((Lv/Rv)*((1./273.)-(1./TEMP))) #in Pa
SMXRAT = ((621.97*ES)/(PRES-ES))/1000.
return (MXRAT/SMXRAT)*100.
def get_wrf_var(var,file_path):
import netCDF4
This function will read in a wrf file and the desired variable
The input is the variable name and the location of the file
The output is an array of the desired variable in the native units
example: get_wrf_var('PSFC','/location/to/file')
ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(file_path,mode='r')
ncvar = ncfile.variables[var][:]
return ncvar
def pres_interp(var,surface,new_height):
Takes a wrf variable like u,v,w, and/or mixing ratios and linearly interpolates it to pressure surfaces
input: variable with 4D (time, height, x, y), the pressure surface as the same 4D variable, and the pressure
levels that you want to interpolate to
output: variable with 4D (time, new height, x, y)
import numpy as np
Note: np.interp requires the arrays to be increasing, so since we are interpolating to pressure coords
we have to reverse the direction
#These are the pressure levels to interpolate to if you want to define them here
#new_height = np.array([1000,850,700,500,200,100])
new_surf = np.empty((var.shape[0],new_height.shape[0],var.shape[2],var.shape[3]))
for TIM in np.arange(var.shape[0]): #Loop over all the time periods
for IDX, VAL in np.ndenumerate(var[0][0]): #Loop over all the points
new_val = np.interp(new_height,surface[TIM,::-1,IDX[0],IDX[1]],var[TIM,::-1,IDX[0],IDX[1]], right=np.nan)
new_surf[TIM,:,IDX[0],IDX[1]]=new_val[:] #put the interpolated profile into the new array
return new_surf
filename = '/Users/admin/scripts/wrfout_d01_2018-08-30_00:00:00'
ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(filename,'r')
#Get the horizontal grid
LAT = ncfile.variables['XLAT'][:]
LON = ncfile.variables['XLONG'][:]
#Get Base Pressure, Perturbation Pressure, and combine them
P = ncfile.variables['P'][:]
PB = ncfile.variables['PB'][:]
PRES = wrf_pres(P,PB)/100. #Divide by 100 to get hPa
#Get perturbation potential temperature, add 300K, and convert to temperature
THETA = ncfile.variables['T'][:]
THETA = wrf_theta(THETA)
TEMP = wrf_temp(THETA,PRES)
#Get some variables
WVMIX = ncfile.variables['QVAPOR'][:]
U = ncfile.variables['U'][:]
V = ncfile.variables['V'][:]
#W = ncfile.variables['W'][:]
#Because of the C-staggered grid in WRF we need to get the velocities centered at the mass points of the grid boxes
#We can do this by averaging the 2 closest grid points to get an estimate of the center
U = wrf_unstagger(U, 'X' )
V = wrf_unstagger(V, 'Y' )
#W = wrf_unstagger(W, 'Z' )
#Get the landmask
LM = ncfile.variables['LANDMASK'][:]
ncfile.close() #Close the file
#Can calculate other variables as needed
RH = wrf_rh(TEMP,PRES*100.,WVMIX) #Needs to be in Pascals instead of hPa
# Specify what pressure levels you want to interpolate to, Note that you will get NaNs near the surface of strong lows
PLevels = np.array([1000,850,700,500,200,100])
#Interpolate RH,U,V to those pressure levels
RH_ = pres_interp(RH,PRES,PLevels)
U_ = pres_interp(U,PRES,PLevels)
V_ = pres_interp(V,PRES,PLevels)
#If you forget a variable you may need
TIMES = get_wrf_var('Times',filename)
Time_Index = 0
Height_Index = 3
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = plt.subplot(111)
clev = np.arange(0,110,5) #Contour levels
#Plot the RH at the specified pressure level and time
im = ax.contourf(LON[Time_Index],LAT[Time_Index],RH_[Time_Index,Height_Index],clev,cmap=plt.cm.BrBG)
#Add the landmask
#For barbs you may need to fiddle with the sampling frequency depending on your resolution and plot size
#Set the limits based on min/max lat/lon. May need to modify for southern hemisphere and near the equator
#Add the title which will change based on the chosen Plevel
ax.set_title('%s RH, Winds at %s hPa'%(''.join(TIMES[Time_Index]),PLevels[Height_Index]),fontsize=16)
#Add the colorbar
cb_ax = fig.add_axes([.91,.124,.04,.756])
cbar = fig.colorbar(im,orientation='vertical',cax=cb_ax)
cbar.set_label('RH (%)',size=18)
#Save the figure
plt.show()#Show the plot
Time_Index = 0
Height_Index = 3
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = plt.subplot(111)
#Calculate the wind speed magnitudes
WSPD = np.sqrt(U**2 + V**2)
clev = np.arange(0,60,2) #Contour levels
#Plot the wind speeds at the specified pressure level and time
im = ax.contourf(LON[Time_Index],LAT[Time_Index],WSPD[Time_Index,Height_Index],clev,cmap=plt.cm.rainbow,alpha=.8)
#Add the landmask
#More info on streamplots here: https://matplotlib.org/gallery/images_contours_and_fields/plot_streamplot.html
#Set the limits based on min/max lat/lon. May need to modify for southern hemisphere and near the equator
#Add the title which will change based on the chosen Plevel
ax.set_title('%s Wind Speed, Streamlines at %s hPa'%(''.join(TIMES[Time_Index]),PLevels[Height_Index]),fontsize=16)
#Add the colorbar
cb_ax = fig.add_axes([.91,.124,.04,.756])
cbar = fig.colorbar(im,orientation='vertical',cax=cb_ax)
cbar.set_label('Wind Speed (m s$^{-1}$)',size=18)
#Save the figure
plt.show()#Show the plot